Leadership Development
I am often asked ‘What makes a great leader’. I believe leadership is about influencing people with our behaviour in a positive way, in effect really understanding how a leader’s behaviour impacts upon other people. There’s not one best style of leadership, of course we are all different and adopt one or two primary styles.
Great leaders know their primary, secondary and developing styles and the impact this has on both people and the organisation. They then identify where their own people sit within a spectrum of capability, clarity and commitment. They then ‘go and find them’, within the spectrum, meet them there and adjust their style to bring those people and the organisation from where we are today to a much greater brighter place tomorrow.
The following content could contribute to a leadership programme for your organisation.
Upon request we would be delighted to provide you with more content detail, and samples of typical delegate reference materials.
Workshop One - Managing your own Development
This module will provide participants with an overview of the programme and enable them to utilise a number of diagnostic tools. The intention here is for them to identify where they are now and where they would like to be by the end of the programme and set learning objectives along the way.
Workshop Two - Managing Time and Priorities
This module will help participants to manage their time and resources effectively thus minimising workplace stress for both them and their teams. Stress is listed as the number one cause of absence within the UK today and proper planning is an important preventative measure. Participants will also get the opportunity to evaluate how work can best be prioritised and planned through a series of practical exercises.
Workshop Three - Communicating with Clarity
This module will enable participants to explore all aspects of their communication style and evaluate their communication in a variety of work-based leadership situations.
Workshop Four - Managing Your Team
This module will help participants to begin building an effective team by identifying what constitutes a good team and understanding how teams develop. It also includes a complete session on leadership, behaviours, impact and how to adjust leadership styles to lead and develop the organisation and it’s people. Issues such as handling team conflict are explored with suggestions and ideas as how to resolve them successfully.
Workshop Five – Coaching, Having great Conversations
This module will help participants ‘bring alive’ the ‘Situational Leadership’ Colour Model. This will encourage participants to have great coaching conversations, rather than just giving feedback on what has happened.
Workshop Six - Leading your Team through Change
This module will help participants to lead positively in an ever-changing environment. We will explore how leaders can lead their teams through the cycle of change by communicating clearly and responding to people’s psychological needs at each stage. We will also look at problem solving techniques which may help the team to adapt and embrace change by getting them involved and owning the process.